Chiquita Padel
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Chiquita padel: all the techniques you need to learn it

by Alexandre

Padel is booming in Europe and many players are looking to improve their techniques to become more efficient and precise. One of the most strategic and subtle shots to master is the ‘chiquita’. This shot, often likened to a light ‘caress’ of the ball, is used to destabilise the opponent and take control of the game. In this article, we’ll explore in detail the advanced techniques for executing the padel chiquita.

What is the chiquita in padel?

The chiquita is a shot specific to padel, consisting of sending the ball in a soft and controlled manner, generally towards the opponent’s feet on the volley. It’s a strategic shot that aims to create a disadvantage for the opponent, forcing them to lift the ball and leaving an opportunity for immediate offensive play. The chiquita is not a powerful shot, but one that requires placement and precision.

Importance of the chiquita in the game of Padel

Using the chiquita at the right moment can change the course of a point. This shot helps to slow down the game, destabilise the opponent and prepare for an attack. Since this shot is often aimed at the opponent’s feet, it makes it more difficult for him to return the ball offensively. In other words, the chiquita allows the player to regain control of the point and impose his rhythm.

The prerequisites for a successful chiquita

Before diving into advanced techniques, there are a few basics you need to master:- A good command of basic padel strokes- A thorough understanding of court positions- Excellent hand-eye coordination

Positioning and gripping the racket

Positioning and racket grip are essential for a successful chiquita.

  • Racket grip: Opt for a continental grip, which will keep the ball low and give you better control.
  • Body position: Make sure you’re firmly planted on your legs, with a slight bend in your knees. Your dominant shoulder should be facing forward.
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Adjusting the swing and contact point

The secret of a good chiquita lies in adjusting the swing and the contact point.

  • Swing: The chiquita swing should be short and smooth, using mainly the wrist and forearm.
  • Contact point: The ball should be struck slightly in front of the body, at hip level. Make sure you hit the ball smoothly to ensure optimum control.

Strike angle and ball placement

For a successful chiquita, strike angle and ball placement are crucial.

  • Hit angle: The angle of the racket should be slightly open to allow the ball to fly over the net while remaining low.
  • Ball placement: Ideally, the ball should land halfway between the net and the baseline, towards the opponent’s feet to limit his return options.

Reading the game and anticipating your opponent’s movements

Beyond the technical aspect, game intelligence is a key element.

  • Reading the game: constantly observe your opponent. If he’s in an unfavourable position, that’s the perfect time to use the chiquita.
  • Anticipation: Anticipate your opponent’s movement after your chiquita. Be ready to attack immediately if he lifts the ball in return.

Practice and repetition

As with any advanced padel technique, practice is the key to success.

  • Repetition exercises: Spend time practising the chiquita in and out of the game. Work on placement, timing and angle adjustment.
  • Videos and analysis: Use videos to record your sessions. Analyse your shots and correct mistakes. Also observe professional players to understand the tricks and nuances of the shot.

The right equipment for an effective chiquita

Equipment plays a significant role in the success of a chiquita. Choosing the right racket can make a noticeable difference.

  • Snowshoes: Opt for rackets with a good balance between control and manoeuvrability. Lightweight rackets with a wide sweet spot are often recommended.
  • Balls: Make sure you use good quality balls. Softer balls can provide better control when executing the chiquita.
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Mastering the chiquita in a match situation

The chiquita is not just a shot to be practised on the practice court. It’s crucial to know how to use it intelligently in a match.

  • Timing: Use the chiquita at strategic moments, such as when your opponent is out of position or tired.
  • Varying shots: Alternate between chiquitas, aggressive volleys and lobs to keep your opponent on his toes and prevent him from becoming predictable.

Mastering the chiquita in padel requires patience, precision and a good feel for the game. But once you’ve incorporated this technique into your arsenal, you’ll be able to dominate your matches with more strategy and finesse. By following this advanced advice and practising regularly, you’ll be able to perfect your chiquita and gain the upper hand over your opponent. To get properly equipped, don’t forget to visit our shop to discover rackets, balls and equipment specially designed for padel. Enjoy your game and see you soon on the courts!

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